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Walking Bus

Walking Bus

We will be starting the walking bus from Monday.  It will be available from Monday-Thursday from the Village Hall.

 We will be introducing a booking in process for the morning and the afternoon. You can book on for the whole week or individual days.  
Booking on:

Morning walking bus- needs to be done the day before by 3:30pm. The Monday morning slot needs to be booked by 2:30pm on a Friday. 
Afternoon walking bus- needs to be done by 1:30pm on the day. 

Please book a slot by contacting the office not the class teacher.  If there are not enough children for the walking bus the slot will be cancelled by 8am and 2:30pm via class dojo


A member of staff will be there from 8:40am. When arriving, your child will need to be signed in by the adult that has dropped them off. Promptly, at 8:45am, the children will begin the walk to school. If arriving later than 8:45am, then your child will need to be dropped off at school as normal.


If your child is using the walking bus, the office must be informed no later than 1;30pm. The children will leave school at 3:25pm, arriving at Betley Village Hall for 3:35pm. Parents need to pick up, promptly,  as the member will of staff will be leaving at 3:40pm. Your child will need to be signed out by the adult collecting them. If you are going to be late, then the office will need to be informed by 3:10pm and your child will remain at school for collection.

Bad Weather

If it is bad weather then you will be informed on class Dojo that the walking bus will be cancelled.  This will be before 8am.  It is in the afternoon then a message will be on Dojo by 2:30pm.
