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First Aid and Medical Information

At Betley we are committed to providing emergency first aid cover to deal with accidents, which occur to employees, children and all categories of visitors.

If a child is ill, it is important they are kept at home as illness can spread very quickly in a school environment.  As a precaution, children should not return to the school for 48 hours after the last bout of vomiting or diarrhoea .  Contagious illnesses should be notified to the school once a diagnosis has been confirmed.

If a child is ill or has an accident at school, we will contact you if we feel it is necessary.  We will always contact you if there is an emergency concerning your child. For this reason, it is important that you keep us up to date with daytime telephone contact numbers.

For legal reasons, staff members are unable to administer medicines.  If prescribed medication needs to be taken during the school day, you can either come into school to administer the medicines yourself, or sign a form in the school office giving explicit permission for staff to administer these with details of the medicines required.

Please note that staff cannot administer any unprescribed medication. Separate arrangements apply in the case of long-term medical treatment (i.e. asthma, allergies, etc).  


Our First Aiders are:


Mrs Trickett

Miss Summerfield

Miss Whittingham

Sara Shore

