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Rev Tim Watson

Hello, I'm Tim, vicar of St. Margaret's Betley and All Saints' Madeley. I'm an Ex-officio governor as part of my role as vicar of the two churches. I'm also an Ex-officio governor at Sir John Offley school in Madeley. I've been a school governor before, when I worked on the south coast. Prior to being a vicar I worked variously as a teacher and teaching assistant. Outside of church work and my role as a governor, I love cinema, poetry and very shouty music. Given a day to myself I'd go for coffee, visit a gallery, watch a strange art-house movie, preferably with subtitles, before going to a gig. I'm married to Clare, who is also a "Rev" and a school governor at St. George and St. Giles in Newcastle. I have a four year old at SJO, a 14 year old in Year 10 at Madeley High and my 12 year old recently started Year 7 at Madeley, in the same form as some of our recent Betley Year 6 leavers. 
