Why you are a Governor
As someone who has been lucky enough to work in education for 20 years, I have just always felt that I should volunteer some of my time to give something back to education. I was a governor at Burnwood Primary in Chell Heath for 13 years, including 5 as Chair, and I thought it was about time I brought some of that experience over to my own community, and the wonderful school that my children attend, St. Luke's. Learning all about Betley and meeting members of the school community there has been a bonus.
Your occupation
I am an Associate Director, based at Keele University and lead on the government funded Outreach Programme, Higher Horizons. Our wonderful team engage with around 10,000 working class young people each year across the region, helping them create and follow educational pathways through to further and higher education.
What committee you are on and what your subject link is/are
I chair the Curriculum committee where we look at attainment figures and anything that is new from government guidance, but more importantly, we have a look at extra curricular opportunities, trips, and embedding quality, and enjoyable, teaching and learning across both schools.
My Link is SEND, something that I am really passionate about, and we are very fortunate to have the wonderful Miss Foy at St. Luke's who leads on that. Together we have managed to squeeze money here and there out of the local authority and although it can be quite a challenge, we will continue to do so!
I obviously have a real passion for outreach and have been so pleased to recently help set up some inter-generation projects, bring cricket sessions and a climate action project to our children
And something you like to do
I'm a massive Stoke fan, I am not sure I have 'liked' going for the last 7 years though!